Brand Kit

Get our brand kit to use the Tarvent logo on your different blog posts, product reviews, or other content.

Our Logo

The following are the different variations of our logo that can be used. Please do not place our logo on a background that makes any part of the logo hard to see.

Our Mark

The following are the different variations of our mark that can be used. Please do not place our mark on a background that makes any part of the mark hard to see.

Our Guidelines

In order to use our mark and logo, we want to ensure that they are displayed correctly and easily identifiable. Please follow these guidelines when using our brand kit.
Minimum Logo spacing
When displaying our Logo, the spacing around it must be at least 10% of the Logo width.

Logo width: 450px
Vertical spacing: 45px
Horizontal spacing: 75px
Logo width: 335px
Vertical spacing: 33.5px
Horizontal spacing: 33.5px
Minimum Mark spacing
When displaying our Mark, the spacing around it must be at least 30% of the Mark width.

Mark width: 100px
Vertical spacing: 30px
Horizontal spacing: 30px
Mark width: 175px
Vertical spacing: 52.5px
Horizontal spacing: 52.5px

Answers to questions you may have.

I have more questions about the brand kit, who do I contact?
Contact and our team will help you with any questions you may have.
Can I get the images in a different format?
If you need another image format, please contact and our team will help you.
Can I modify the images?
In order to maintain a consistent brand, we ask that you do NOT modify these images.